Why is my Cat Drooling?
Have you as an owner noticed your cat drooling? Unlike dogs, drooling in cats is not something that is commonplace. Many cat owners begin to wonder why their cats drool and what exactly it means when this happens.
Extreme saliva creation in cats oftentimes is just another personality trait associated with felines; however, this can be very unusual.
When an owner notices his or her cat drooling, it could be a sight that alarms the owner, especially when that behavior is one that has never been witnessed by the owner, as it signifies something is troubling the cat. The fact is, there are numerous possibilities as to why a cat would drool. Determining the reason as to why this happens basically boils down to evaluating the situation, understanding the cat and perhaps visiting a veterinarian when it becomes necessary.
Normal Drooling in Felines
It is actually quite common for certain cats to drool when they purr or are kneading. Drooling is usually a way signify contentment and relaxation. The act of drooling while relaxed and happy begins when cats are in kittenhood. When kittens are nursing, they frequently knead their paws to start milk release from their mothers. These behaviors typically end in the kitten getting a satisfying and comforting meal, and also creating a bond between both mother cat and kitten. The moment cats enter adulthood, feelings of satisfaction usually translate to kneading, which in turn starts drooling as a result of the link to nursing. This is why purring typically comes with drooling and kneading.
This is particularly important for owners to remember when their somewhat healthy cat lays in their lap and then begin kneading and purring, only to have drooling follow. This is a behavior that is perfectly normal and could even be one that portrays how much your cat loves you.
Cats unlike dogs, do not typically drool once they see food. Nevertheless, it is a possibility to consider, as a cat might sometimes drool when it smells or sees food, and other times does not drool. If this is the case, then there is most likely nothing to fret over.
Fear or stress could cause a feline to temporarily drool during events like vet visits, car rides or loud noises. In the event a cat appears to be very stressed on a consistent basis, which then results in drooling, it might be a smart decision to have a chat with a vet about options to combat this. Should the stress and drooling be short-lived and disappear with no outside intervention, then there is really no cause for alarm.
Abnormal drooling
Below are a couple of things that need to be considered when a cat’s drooling might appear as a health concern:
Compared to the typical drooling associated with happiness or a cat’s relaxed state, owners are likely to see a couple droplets. However, if there happens to be quite a lot of saliva on the jaw, chin of a cat, it would be prudent for an owner to seek the professional help of a veterinarian. Excessive drooling could also result in skin infections which might make the skin appear red or the fur around the chin or mouth become slightly discolored.
In the event that an owner who has never witnessed his or her cat drool before, see the cat suddenly drooling, even if it is just a little amount while relaxing, this might be an identifier of a troubling ailment or health concern. Whilst it is possible that the cat has always drooled for most of its life, and the owner was just unable to witness it, it always helps to investigate any sudden change.
Abnormal Drooling in Cats
If the cat suddenly develops a drooling behavior that appears to constantly occur, or if the behavior cannot be linked with food or contentment, then there might be a health issue afoot. It is essential that owners take their cats to be checked up by veterinarians for routine wellness checks at least once a year, even if the cats appear to be healthy. The veterinarian is most times able to detect problems the cat might have before the signs manifest.
In the event that abnormal drooling happens before and after veterinarian visits, it is best to contact a vet immediately. This is a likely sign that the cat needs to be examined. There are numerous reasons and health issues as to why a cat might drool.
The cat may have swallowed poison
A feline which is either intoxicated or has ingested poison would most likely drool in these scenarios. If this should be the case, it is imperative to take the cat to the veterinarian immediately. Majority of cats are typically at risk of accidentally ingesting poison when they are able to go outside, either as a result of foraging in the outdoors or they may have eaten the meat of an animal that died as a result of being poisoned. Nevertheless, there are also numerous risks of ingesting poison inside the home, as there are numerous hygiene and cleaning products placed around the house. These products must be kept as secure as possible to withstand the inquisitive nature of a cat.
Pipettes and numerous treatments which are applied to the body of a cat for tick and flea treatment tend to produce a drooling effect; especially if a cat decides to lick the area of its body the treatment was applied. That being said, both cases result in saliva that is thick and extremely abundant, and it might even take on the appearance of foam. If there is a reason to suspect the cat has ingested poison, it is important to immediately visit a professional, it is also important not to try to induce vomiting if the substance ingested is still unknown. Substances like bleach could result in caustic burns if vomited.
A cat might drool as a result of poisoning if the cat exhibits the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea
- Convulsions (spasms and shaking
- Depression
- Poor coordination of limbs and Frequent Urination
- Vomiting
- Difficulty in breathing
They are stressed
It has been proven that stress is an important trigger in cats which results in several discomforts, especially when some fact that is linked with scenarios that might be unpleasant to the cat, such as an abrupt trip to the veterinarian.
Symptoms which might show that the cat is having a stressful episode might consist of uncontrolled drooling. This typically happens when there is a thing in close vicinity of the cat that creates excessive nervousness or fear in the cat and its neurological system transmits a sequence of orders that act as a barrier against the situation in which they have no control over. This series of response orders is manifested as drooling.
In the event that this is the situation, owners might notice their cat has a reduced appetite, diarrhea, sweaty paws, and overall reduced hygiene. Should the situation become chronic, it is best to have the cat seen by a veterinarian.
The effect of medication
Pet owners everywhere understand how difficult it is to medicate a cat at home, especially when it has to be done in syrup form. Should owners have a cat like that, they would know that the cat is sure to drool all around the house after they have been given their dosage.
Typically, this form of drooling goes away after a bit, as it was a result of the displeasing taste the drug produced when the animal ingested it. It is also because the cat was forced to ingest the medication. Nevertheless, if owners notice that drooling goes on for longer than necessary, it might be that the cat has become intoxicated and would need to be seen by a vet.
Dental and Oral Disease
Felines could develop numerous dental and oral issues which could go unnoticed until they become painful. The pain typically results in the cat salivating excessively. Tooth injuries, mouth ulcers, gum disease, infections, and resorptive lesions are just a few of the popular causes of cat drooling.
A veterinarian is able to examine the cat’s mouth to search for symptoms of oral and dental issues. In the event that dental disease is visible, the vet may recommend the services of professional dental cleaning coupled with tooth extractions. Typically, this procedure is done while the cat is under the influence of general anesthesia. Medications might be required to address the cat’s mouth and dental issues.
Nausea or frequent vomiting would cause a cat to drool often. There are numerous causes of vomiting and nausea in felines, with some being liver disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal inflammation and much more. In the event the cat appears nauseous, has a reduced appetite, vomits, it is best to visit a veterinarian.
Once the examination is concluded, the vet might recommend some blood work be done in the lab to gain a clearer look at blood cells, urine content, and organ function. The results of these tests could help determine the steps that should be taken for treatment and diagnostics options.
Foreign Body
Drooling can also happen when a cat has a foreign body stuck in its mouth. A common foreign body in the oral cavity of a cat is a string; however, there are many other possibilities such as toy parts and grass. Should a string be visibly hanging from the cat’s mouth, it is important not to pull it. The string might have become entangled around something in the intestines or stomach, which would make pulling it very dangerous. It is best to head to the nearest veterinarian.
It is also best to proceed with caution when some other foreign object is seen in a cat’s mouth, as trying to remove the foreign object could not only cause damage to the cat but could also cause the cat to bite. It is best to see a vet and have one remove the foreign object.
Persian cats and other pets that have a flat face are more at risk of heatstroke, as it is not known to occur in other cat breeds. Nevertheless, if the cat has been out in the sun too much or hasn’t had enough water, it could spell danger for the cat.
Owners should ensure that their cats have access to clean, fresh water and there should also be shady places where the cat can be able to cool off. On the extremely hot days, it is best to keep the cat indoors and limit and exercise taken that day. It is also imperative to never leave the cat in a locked parked car. In the event, an owner suspects their cat is suffering from heatstroke, it is best to call a veterinarian immediately.
Motion sickness
Cats are not typically fond of car trips unless it is as a result of a visit to the vet. These trips might be a terrible experience to the cat which could then manifest in the cat being nauseated or nervous.
Trauma to the mouth could sometimes cause excessive salivation. Felines that might have nibbled on electrical cables might suffer from oral burns which cause drooling. Drooling can also happen if a cat has been in a fight with another cat that led to it having a broken jaw. Sometimes these injuries caused by fights might not be clearly evident on the surface, but drooling would be. Should this be the case, it is best to consult a vet
It is important to note that if a cat drools for a reason that does not appear obvious, it would be best to see a veterinarian. This is because over decades of evolution have caused cats to be adept at hiding illnesses so as not to appear weak. Cats really do not show symptoms of an injury until they are unable to hide the problem that causes them to be sick. Whenever an owner is in doubt as to the cause of a cat’s drooling, it is best to call a vet immediately, rather than waiting it out.
Originally published at purrpetrators.com on October 2, 2018.