Why Does My Cat Choose To Sleep With Me?
Cats everywhere love nothing more than having a nice nap. Cats typically sleep for around 12 to 15 hours each day. Most owners have noticed when their cat sleeps at night, it usually takes place right next to you. Cats prefer to sleep with and on their owners. Felines love the protection and warmth our bodies offer, however, there might be other reasons why they choose to lay down next to us when they sleep.
The question of why exactly cats love to sleep next to their owners does arise.
Felines feel extremely exposed when they fall asleep and they love to find places or persons on which they can choose to sleep. Cats typically sleep next to their owners when they implicitly trust them.
Whilst this is a signal that there is trust between the cat and its owner, cats also want to keep warm and are fond of the warmth humans give off. They also love their comforter and blanket which provide extra warmth.
It is clear that the cat loves its owners and desires to spend time with them. Nevertheless, cats also want to show to their owners that they enjoy spending time with their owners. Felines don’t like to be by their selves. Contrary to popular knowledge, cats aren’t actually solitary creatures, as they love to socialize.
In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the possible reasons your cat sleeps with you.
Cats Desire Heat
Most owners have noticed that their cat loves getting the first sunrays of the day. It really doesn’t matter if the spot your cat chooses is right on the window sill, the floor, so long as it is able to absorb everything. The reason for this is because felines love to lay down in warm locations. The temperature receptors of a cat are extremely sensitive, which makes them search for heat.
Felines typically search for external heat sources to alleviate the work their bodies need to do to help maintain a basic temperature. This might be the motive as to why feline owners wake up to see their kitten sprawled right next to their head, as it is the warmest place available to them.
Cats Love to be At Ease
Felines tend to sleep for about 15 hours or more every day, so they typically search for a relaxing spot to have their naps. Irrespective of if the location is a sofa or a bag full of clothes, cats need a comfortable and delicate place to lay their heads.
The majority of cats have a knack of locating the most comfortable and softest places to take a nap. Most times, the cat is usually pressed up near its owner.
Your Cat Loves You
It is pretty certain that the majority of cat owners are persons that work, study or are out of the house for the majority of the day. There’s a sense of relief when cat owners come home as their cat is pleased to see them. It desires to be close to its owner, up to the point of chasing and jumping on its owner when the human lays down or takes a sit.
All this behavior is a clear indicator that the cat loves its owner. It also shows that there is a clear and powerful trust bond between the cat and its owner. The rubbing, kisses, and murmurs all mean a single thing, which is veneration.
The Cat wants to feel protected and safe
Everything and everyone needs security. A cat is not an exception to this statement. When a cat begins to search for a spot to take a nap or sleep for the night, it requires not only warmth and comfort, but the cat also wants a safe place.
Cats have no need to fear predators when their favorite human is nearby, which means they are able to comfortably sleep while getting the safe and warm place they require. The most common and obvious ways felines portray their love and happiness is via purring.
Your smells and sounds are soothing
The general sounds made by the body help relieve the cat when it falls asleep next to you. The continuous rhythm made by your breathing and pulse, as well as the rise and fall of the chest when regular breathing is taking place helps to soothe the cat while it sleeps.
The unique smell of a cat’s owner is also a great soother, as the cat associates the owner, and that smell with the protection, companionship, and care provided. Basically, the majority of the regular smells and sounds made by humans help to relax the cat.
The Cat May Have Favorites
Felines are known to be territorial animals, which mean they tend to identify their preferred humans as theirs. When a cat sleeps with its owner, it is a sign of confidence. The cat thinks its human’s bed is the safest spot for it.
If the cat sleeps on the bed of a particular individual more than others, it may mean that person moves less than others when asleep. This means the cat feels mainly safe from injury while it is sleeping. There are numerous reasons why the cat chooses to sleep with an individual, however, they are known to switch up their routine, so it is best to enjoy the closeness and bond.
It Helps to Streamline Morning Routines
Felines are known to naturally be animals of routine. It has been known for cats to act as a living alarm clock and wake their owners up with nudges or their paws. This is most definitely better than being jolted awake by a radio alarm or the buzzer of a clock alarm. Cats do not like to deviate from their set schedule, so they help to keep the schedule on track.
Should you wake up about 6 in the morning every day, the cat learns this routine and adjusts to it. Waking up usually means breakfast for both human and pets alike. Cats have never been known to prefer sleep over food, so they jump at this opportunity. Research has also shown that single individuals tend to awake in a better mood if they have a cat in or around the bed.
The cats not only offer companionship in the morning, but they also offer a stress release method by way of petting. Petting has been proven to be a stress relief, helpful to individuals before heading out for the day. Recent research has also proven that bonds between women and cats are one of the most powerful bonds ever created.
Is Letting Your Cat Sleep With You A Good Decision?
Allowing your cat to sleep on the bed with you is a personal decision. Certain pet owners hate the idea of having their pets share their beds, while others can’t fathom not sleeping with them. There are of course numerous advantages and disadvantages to choosing either way. Below is a list of pros and cons to help owners decide if they want to have their cat sleep with them
Advantages of having your cat sleep with you:
- Cozy and warm- both cat and owner benefit from the warmth of sleeping side by side. Nothing is much cozier than having a cat snuggle with you during the night
- Relieves Stress- cats have been known to be great stress relievers. Having a cat snuggle you during the night after having an extremely stressful day to help relieve tension.
- Bonding Time- more time spent with pets is bound to strengthen the bond you both share. Cats are known to be extremely loyal and in no time, a new kitten will become inseparable with its owner. Over the years, there has been a false truth that cats are independent and prefer to be left alone with little attention. However, this isn’t the case as cats crave their owners’ attention as much as a dog would.
Disadvantages of Having Your Cat Sleep With You
- Asthma- While research has shown that living with felines can help increase the body’s immunities, certain medical problems are unfortunately unavoidable. Asthma sufferers, children especially can be adversely affected by owning a cat. The night can also be difficult for asthma sufferers if a cat is present in the room. A United Kingdom medical study has suggested that cats can cause allergic reactions in asthma sufferers over time if they sufferers aren’t already sensitive to feline fur already.
- Disruptive Sleep- certain studies have shown that people tend to sleep easier with pets, however, cats are typically nocturnal, which means they are active during the night. While cats are able to stick to their owner’s night routine and sleep pattern, they do tend to have moments of playfulness which can disrupt sleep. It isn’t rare for cats to decide out of the blue to play with their owners during the night by attacking their feet. Cat owners are unlikely to get any sleep during the weekends. This is because cats are already used to the daily routine established during the week, so they expect no different during the weekend as well.
- Cats could cause you to become sick- if the cat has a flea infestation or ringworm for that matter, it could give its owner an unwelcome surprise during the night. An infestation of fleas is harder to combat if the animal in question is not on any consistent flea prevention program. Fleas bite and could spread diseases like typhus. Ringworm is extremely contagious and should a cat have it, it is more likely that the owner does as well. Infections typically begin under a cat’s fur, which makes it hard to discover till owners notice it on their bodies. While cats can sometimes carry trace amounts that could make humans sick, it shouldn’t be much of an issue if the cat’s healthcare examinations are current.
- Destructive Behavior-Cats can sometimes appear vindictive when they are kicked out of the bedroom. A couple of these behavioral problems include knocking things around, tearing things, making a mess, territory marking inappropriate places, and incessant vocalizations. These behaviors typically happen because owners do not see sleeping with a cat as an ‘all in or out’ concept. If the cat is allowed to sleep on the bed with you, then suddenly banned from doing so, it could cause disruptive behaviors. This isn’t a behavior that cat owners want to wake up to in the morning or have their sleep interrupted by during the night. Careful consideration has to be taken when choosing to let the cat into your bedroom, so the cat doesn’t feel betrayed or neglected.
- Dirty Paws- Cats spend the majority of their time outside, and can track in all types of dirt and mud attached to their paws. They also either make use of a litter box or choose to eliminate outside, which could transfer some of the particles onto the bed.
- Cats are difficult to evict- as animals of routine, cats do not respond well to environmental changes. If an owner suddenly doesn’t want the cat to sleep on the bed, the cat might.
- Suffocation hazard to babies and young children- a myth which states cats suck the life out of children while they sleep has been passed around for years. While there is no actual basis to this myth, it is still best to keep cats away from the rooms of little children. Baby cribs are extremely attractive napping areas for cats, as they are elevated, soft and secured on multiple fronts. However, a cat could unintentionally smother a child while attempting to snuggle. So it is best to keep that room a cat free zone.
Generally, before deciding to let your cat sleep in the bed with you, it is best to consider the advantages and disadvantages. This helps to clarify if having a cat sleep with you is something you would be willing to do for as long as the cat is present. When making a decision, it is also best to understand that this will become a routine, so the cat doesn’t misunderstand set boundaries
Originally published at purrpetrators.com on October 19, 2018.