How to Make Pottery at Home without a Wheel

Terry Connor
9 min readOct 23, 2018

Do you want to begin with pottery? All too often, people think they can do it only with a wheel. The problem is though, wheels are super expensive, and often they are an investment for serious potters. What if you’re a beginner potter who isn’t ready to drop a whole bunch of money on a wheel, or you don’t want to work with a wheel yet? Well, let’s talk about some of the different ways how to make pottery at home without a wheel that you can try out.

Pinching Pottery

This is a pottery technique that’s often pretty simple, and it’s the quickest type of pottery, to begin with. Some of the steps that you need to do include the following:

  • Roll the clay to the size of a fist
  • Create a hole with your thumb or a well
  • From there, slowly pinch it until you’ve got a bowl that’s about 6 mm thick
  • Flatting it out so it sits in a stable manner

At this point, once you’ve done this, you can then decorate it however you want. Some great techniques to decorate include the following:

  • Drawing lines around there
  • Stamps and impressions on the clay to create an imprint
  • Painting if you feel like trying something new



Terry Connor

I'm someone who is always looking to improve my life and others. Looking to be a better person spiritually and financially. Plus I love pottery and Cats.